Circadian Lights: Design Principles
Design Principles: Circadian Color Temperature Automation Before creating an automation, it’s useful to list out exactly what you want to…
Improve Your Health With Circadian Lights
My primary goal for my Smart Home was to create a nurturing environment that understands my needs before I do. Recent research has shown the…
Circadian Lights: Node Red tutorial
Tutorial: Circadian Color Temperature Automation Requirements In order to run this automation, you will need: Node-Red node-red-contrib-home…
Make your home smarter with Node Red
The Smart Home isn’t smart out of the box. Appliance manufacturers ship their products with apps that offer limited automation. Your smart…
Connect your smart home devices with Home Assistant
I started my Smart Home like many people do: with a few Smart Lights. I had stumbled upon a Reddit post asking the community for a life hack…